Hotel Tycoon Alpha 8

Welcome to the Alpha 8 update log.

BEFORE WE START WITH THE CHANGELOG, WE HAVE TO WARN YOU ABOUT THE SAVE SYSTEM. Due to the amount of changes and programming nightmares it would have caused to bring you the Alpha 8 with a fully working save system, we have deleted the option to save the game. We know that it is a very important feature, and will try to bring it back as soon as we can (expect it before... 2028 :D).

ANOTHER WARNING. We decided to bring you the Alpha 8 without testing. We have a team of testers that have worked hard to bring you the Alpha 5, 6 and 7 with a minimum amount of bugs. But, due to a bunch of reasons, the Alpha 8 has not been given for the Testers team and this will result in a lot (and, by a lot, we mean... a lot) bugs. Sorry!

*End of warnings*

After months and months of hard work and programming everyday (*cough* *cough*), we are going to show you the changelog of this new alpha.

And, now, seriously: it was not our intention to take so long to publish, but I, the programmer, have had a really busy year - have been working and studying. I have not stopped working on HT, even though there has been some months of really low work flow.

We started working on this alpha like... More than a year ago (the first feature we made was the supplies system rework, back in September 2017... Heh). So, there are a lot of features that won't be on the changelog, but can be done in the game. Here are the things we remember we did since last year:

- New supplies system. Yay! (We really had to download Alpha 7 to check if this feature was done for Alpha 7 or for Alpha 8...)
- New UI. Yeah, you know... We love redoing UI. This time, we have done it with a lot of love and we think it is way better than any other Alpha's UI.
- New icons. That is what Trello says. I don't really know what does it refer to.
- New furniture. I remember Thomas working hard to bring you a bunch of new and awesome objects. Go check it!
- Staff rework. Even though there's still a lot to do, we have improved how the tasks for workers are handled. Also, now they have to take breaks (a lot of work will make them unable to continue). They'll need to sit on the sofas from time to time. Also, receptionists now have levels too. You know, the last receptionists where too slow dispatching...
- Added guests GUI. I'm pretty sure a lot of bugs will come from this feature, but... Well. We did it. Now, you'll know their schedule and some things more.
- Rooms system rework. This is the best part - I was working on it last night. Now, you can delete rooms, re-do their areas, change their names... Also, now you'll have to assign the number of the room after creating it. You'll have a maximum of 10 rooms available with 1 star. As more starts, more rooms available to build. Yay! More bugs to come, I guess.
- God mode. If you want to feel like you're playing The Sims, go find a way to open a small (very small) window with some cheats. Use it to test the new things, try to find bugs (like if you need that mode to find them...) or whatever.
- Objects placeable above tables. Yep: TVs, Phones and some decoration furniture will have the option to be placed above tables.
- New sounds (thanks, EFlex)
- Objectives rebalanced.
- Language rework.
- Buildmode improvements. 
- Painting walls and music (at 0%, you could still listen to it) bugs fixed.
- Some more bugfixes and improvements.

Just to remember: the first version of Alpha 8 might be unstable. Expect a lot of bugs and inconsistencies. We'll try to bring you new versions with those bugs fixes (you know, before 2028...).

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your patience!
Also, Merry Christmas from the development team!


[LINUX] Hotel Tycoon Alpha 8 v.1 92 MB
Dec 19, 2018
[MAC] Hotel Tycoon Alpha 8 v.1 95 MB
Dec 19, 2018
[WINDOWS] Hotel Tycoon Alpha 8 v.1 90 MB
Dec 19, 2018

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I can not start Hotel Tycoon.